Wednesday, July 24, 2013

This is a watercolor in process which I hope to complete soon. It's of Bill Torrey sharpening his saw with his dog Levi and Mount Abraham in the distance.  I am back at work on this theme, doing a few more new paintings about work in the woods to round out the whole body of works I've made on this topic.  I am planning an exhibition of these works that I've done over the past 18 years and am thinking about possible venues and starting to get in touch with the people who own the original paintings.  It will be an exciting project!


  1. This piece is off to a super start--I will make every effort to come see your show! Keep us all posted on the details.

  2. Thanks Suzy! I am working on the watercolor RIGHT NOW. Maybe I'll finish it tomorrow. I will definitely keep posting about the show as it develops. Appreciate your encouragement!

  3. looks like you did NOT finish it 'tomorrow"!!! i love the way you did finish it, though.
